Tuesday, August 4, 2015

11x17 pad

Page 2 in the 11x17 pad..

she looks a little odd!!

i think the angle at which i did this didn't help!
when i drew this i think it should have been on an easel..
or i should have been standing!

She looks a little bloated!!
Ha! oh well..
here she is!

i started adding color before i shot a picture!!

no paint brushes on this one,
just a palette knife & sponge brush...

not sure if you can see but there is 
writing throughout
the face...


i think i want to tear this apart and arrange it
in a new composition...

a little Picasso like sort of thing,
at least that will cure the bloating!!!
maybe put her in my junque journal...

thx for stopping by!!

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